“Without honey bees, within four years mankind as we know it would become utterly bored.”

Jonathan Hargus

Next level beekeeping.

With a combination of Experience, Sustainable practices, and Natural Management growth, both novice and seasoned beekeepers will benefit from this Mentorship program as it maps out the road of success from where you are to where you want to bee!

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Intro Session: Establishing your Goals

In this Session, we take stock of where you currently are and establish the goals for where you want to be…then we connect the dots, giving you a Tailored-roadmap that guides you to where you want to be.

Session #1: Assessing Current Capacity

Picking up from the Intro Session, we evaluate your current operation of existing colonies, space, equipment and review what you currently have so that we can plan on what you still need and how to do it wisely.

Session #2: Increasing your Numbers

This is where we look at your current numbers and figure out how to get to the numbers you wan to see; number of colonies, honey yield, equipment, you name it.

Session #3: Operation Upgrades

This Session considers the potential upgrades that will help you to reach the numbers that you want. We consider facilities, equipment and even new apiary locations.

Session #4: Advanced Management Techniques

Here is where we take a look at your specific management style and method, evaluate what is currently working and taking that forward as we consider other management that may help boost your operation.

Session #5: Diversifying Product Offerings

This Session covers what products of the hive that you would consider producing and expanding your diversity of product and therefore customer reach. We will consider that in conjunction with business partnering options as well.

Session #6: Optimizing Processing Method

This Session combines what we learned from Sessions 3 & 5, and looks to how we can create a more efficient and effective processing method for your product processing and delivery. We also consider the current image you have in the market and make sure that it reflects who you are and what you stand for.

Session #7: Establishing Strong Marketing Channels

Wrapping up this Course, we take everything we have created and devise a way to market your unique brand through the most effective marketing channels that speak to you. Then we implement that and take it to the local markets and ultimately the world!

The ones who succeed are the ones who get noticed, take risks and make their own way.